Lee Fort Terrace

Lee Fort Terrace

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    New construction of Leefort Terrace, an 124-unit affordable housing low-income housing property. The Project will include the demolition of 8 existing apartment buildings and the new construction of 124 units. The building will be four stories of wood frame over a steel podium. Underneath the steel podium will be approximately 83 parking spaces under the podium at grade and 17 parking spots in a surface lot in the courtyard. The lower level of the building will contain nonresidential space, maintenance, bike storage, and common areas; apartments will be on floors one through four. The project will be highly energy efficient, all electric with solar PV and designed to and certified as Passive House standards. There will also be a private residential courtyard as well as a 1.26-acre publicly accessible open space on the Collins Cove side of the building.

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